martes, 3 de junio de 2008


to find physical geography i went in to this website:


Catalunya is a major turistic destination for foreigners all around the world. Because of all the historic places it has. Catalunya also includes Barcelona which is famopus for all cosmopolitan culture it has, it is also the second most important country of Spain.Another great destination is the famous ''Islas Canarias".

These are supposed to be islands with amazing and beautiful beaches with sea through pure water. Its an incredible experience to be able to visit them sometime in your life. It is right next to the Atlantic Ocean! Tenerife is the largest island of the "Canarias".

sábado, 31 de mayo de 2008


As you see the main import of Spain is tunisia and then followed by Morocco.
As you see the main export of Spain is the USA and then followed by France.

Spain produces large crops of wheat, sugar beets, barley, tomatoes, olives, citrus fruit, grapes, and cork. Spain is the world's largest producer of olive oil and Europe's largest producer of lemons, oranges, and strawberries. Spain has made great economic progress in recent decades, though industry has grown considerably since the 1950 s. Spain's greatest trade is with the United States, Germany, France, and Great Britain. Among the leading exports are fruit, wine, and other food products, ships, footwear, machinery, and chemicals; major imports include machinery, petroleum, iron and steel, and transport equipment.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

Physical Features!

Spain is the highest country in Europe after Switzerland, with an average altitude of more than 600 metres. 24% of the country lies above 1000 m.Its highest peak is a dormant volcano, the Pico de Teide on Tenerife. Mulhacén rises to 3482m making it the highest peak in the Iberian Peninsula and continental Spain obusly after Pico de teide .

Culture and traditions,etc..

Spain's main language is Spanish as you all may know. But what you might not know is that there is a part of Spain called Catalunya where they speak Catalan, which is a mixture of French and English. About 76% of the Spanish community are Roman Catholic, 2% belong to other religions and 19% are non-religious. They have many customs and one of them is doing their daily "siesta", which is an hour-long mid-afternoon break they take to have a nap. Even some big stores take the break and close for an hour and a half or more.

I know everybody must think that Spain's national and traditional sport is football, but your wrong. Their traditional sport is bullfighting! But don't worry football is also very important in Spain. The Spaniards adore seafood such as a good "paeia". This famous dish consists of rice cooked and served with a whole lot of "mariscos", fish, shrimp, octopus, etc... They also have another cuisine tradition called "tapas", this is simply a series of little snacks served a couple of hours before having dinner.(Culture of Spain Wikipedia)

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008

Not convinced?


the capital city of Spain is MADRID the capital city is really famous because of it´s stadiums like the bernabeu. Madrid is a city of great monuments.But Madrid is not just a cultural destination. It is also a lively city with many pubs, cafes, discotheques and nightclubs open late into the night. Don't be surprised if you get stuck in a traffic jam at four in the morning. There are a lot of typical foods in Spain like in El salvador but here there is a list of the famous and typical foods of Spain: the dishes that are called madrileño in Spain, are mainly hotpots, as the well-known Cocido Madrileño with chick-peas.

Among regional specialities have to be named the delicious asparagus from Aranjuez and the very typical Sopa de Ajo, a soup of garlic.To finish your dinner in a very typical way, try a cup of Anisado de Chinchón, anisette schnapps.Traditional sweets are the Roscos de Santo!
The climate of Madrid is characterized by warm dry summers and cool winters.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2008

All about Spain

Average temperatures in spain are 9ªC in winter and 18ªC in summer. Low tempetures in winter,are of -15 that is the most common thing and under -20.Summer has an average of 24.