viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008

Historic timeline of Spain

We see the first signs of human habitation on the Iberian Peninsula. (Who was actually there to record this fact? ''The fossil record!'' I hear you cry.)
The last of the Neanderthals, a precursor hominid race, are to be found in Gibraltar (this is of course before it becomes a British Empire outpost, although a night-time visit to some ''Brits Abroad'' holiday resorts here in modern-day Spain may change one's opinion on the actual extinction of said Neanderthal race!).

Cave paintings found at Alta Mira are dated as coming from this period. We therefore see the start of a very long Spanish tradition of drawing on walls - more commonly known nowadays as graffiti.
The first Iberians begin settling in Almeria
The southern part of the peninsular is home to a flourishing Megalithic civilisation.
The Celtic and Germanic tribes start arriving from the cold north in search of warmer climes - something they still continue to do every summer - I am led to believe the sun-lounger chair hails from this period (see previously mentioned fossil record). The Germans start as they mean to go on and it is still difficult to beat them to the beach chairs on a sunny morning (no offence German friends – I’m just kidding).
Phoenician traders arrive and set up shop in what is now the costal town of Cadiz, where they trade metals found in the Guadalquivir valley. The Greeks also begin setting up trading colonies all along the eastern coast of Spain. A remaining example of one of these posts is the town of Empuries near Barcelona.
The Carthaginians are expelled from Sicily (they weren't sufficiently ''family oriented''). They occupy most of Andalucia whilst making preparations to invade Italy.

The city of Barcio, now better known as Barcelona is founded by the Carthaginians, who by now have expanded north.
During this period the Romans occupy the Iberian Peninsular, part of their empire-building plans. Around this time, Julius Caesar is made governor of Andalucia in the south of Spain. (Historical note: Perhaps Brutus didn't really mean to stab Caesar to death - perhaps it was just a boisterous game of ''bullfighting'', with Brutus as the matador (he is said to have had a liking for sparkly suits) and Caesar as the hapless bull, which got out of hand.)

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